Dahlia Dinnerplate Show filters Hide filters Catalog Wholesale Growers (32) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Spring (32) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 24 of 32 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: 12 Next Dahlia Cafe au Lait | 15 pceGorgeous huge flower on sturdy stem. Lovely creamy and peachy flowers. Perfect for border and cut-flower use.Currently not available starting from $ 43.80WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Cafe au Lait | 75 pceGorgeous huge flower on sturdy stem. Lovely creamy and peachy flowers. Perfect for border and cut-flower use.Currently not available starting from $ 181.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Dazzling Sun | 15 pceVibrant golden yellow flowers (orange when matured) painted red in the center. Perfect in combination with his sport ‘Dazzling Magic’.Currently not available starting from $ 44.40WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Dazzling Sun | 75 pceVibrant golden yellow flowers (orange when matured) painted red in the center. Perfect in combination with his sport ‘Dazzling Magic’.Currently not available starting from $ 177.00WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Fairway Spur | 15 pceDinnerplate sized apricot colored flowers. Elegant-shaped flowers, excellent for container and cut-flower use.Currently not available starting from $ 43.20WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Fairway Spur | 75 pceDinnerplate sized apricot colored flowers. Elegant-shaped flowers, excellent for container and cut-flower use.Currently not available starting from $ 181.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Ferncliff Illusion | 15 pceWhite flowers tipped purple. Clear green toothed foliage. Huge flowers on sturdy stems.Currently not available starting from $ 44.70WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Ferncliff Illusion | 75 pceWhite flowers tipped purple. Clear green toothed foliage. Huge flowers on sturdy stems.Currently not available starting from $ 190.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Ferncliff Inspiration | 15 pceA gorgeous large dinnerplate sized Dahlia. Beautiful lavender flowers with bluish tones at the edges. Sturdy stemmed variety.Currently not available starting from $ 44.70WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Ferncliff Inspiration | 75 pceA gorgeous large dinnerplate sized Dahlia. Beautiful lavender flowers with bluish tones at the edges. Sturdy stemmed variety.Currently not available starting from $ 190.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Fleurel | 15 pceWhite flowers with a touch of cream in the center, Excellent cut flower and border plant.Currently not available starting from $ 42.60WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Fleurel | 75 pceWhite flowers with a touch of cream in the center, Excellent cut flower and border plant.Currently not available starting from $ 177.00WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Garden Wonder | 15 pceEye-catching crimson red variety. Compact grower. Great for border and container.In stock starting from $ 42.30WishlistMore info Order now I 15 Dahlia Garden Wonder | 75 pceEye-catching crimson red variety. Compact grower. Great for border and container.Currently not available starting from $ 171.00WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Kelvin Floodlight | 15 pceYellow, very large flowers on strong tall stems. This variety needs pinching when grown in smaller containers.Currently not available starting from $ 38.70WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Kelvin Floodlight | 75 pceYellow, very large flowers on strong tall stems. This variety needs pinching when grown in smaller containers.Currently not available starting from $ 159.00WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Manhattan Island | 15 pceRed flowers changing to yellow towards the center. Sturdy stems. Excellent for container growing.Currently not available starting from $ 42.60WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Manhattan Island | 75 pceRed flowers changing to yellow towards the center. Sturdy stems. Excellent for container growing.Currently not available starting from $ 175.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Mom's Special | 15 pceHuge decorative white flowers with light purple center and touches of lavender pink on the petals.Currently not available starting from $ 47.10WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Mom's Special | 75 pceHuge decorative white flowers with light purple center and touches of lavender pink on the petals.Currently not available starting from $ 193.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Mr. Sandman | 15 pceHuge soft orange twisted petals edged darker peach orange. Long lasting flowers, excellent for patio, border and cut-flower use.Currently not available starting from $ 47.10WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Mr. Sandman | 75 pceHuge soft orange twisted petals edged darker peach orange. Long lasting flowers, excellent for patio, border and cut-flower use.Currently not available starting from $ 190.50WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Myrtle's Folly | 15 pceNarrow twisted petals of peach, pink and yellow. Huge long lasting flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 47.10WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Myrtle's Folly | 75 pceNarrow twisted petals of peach, pink and yellow. Huge long lasting flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 193.50WishlistMore info I 75 12 Next