Tulip Fringed Show filters Hide filters Catalog Landscape (4) Clear selection Flower Color Pink (1) White (3) Yellow (1) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Fall (4) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 4 of 4 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: Tulip Crystal Star | 50 pceHeavy serrated golden yellow flowers, fabuleus in beds and borders.Currently not available $ 19.00WishlistMore info Yellow 12/+ 50 Bulbs per Bag Tulip Fancy Frills | 50 pcePink flowers with ivory white base.Currently not available $ 21.00WishlistMore info Pink, White 12/+ 50 Bulbs per Bag Tulip North End | 50 pceCompact growing habit, white fringed flowers, also great for container growing.Currently not available $ 26.00WishlistMore info White 12/+ 50 Bulbs per Bag Tulip Snow Crystal | 50 pceSpectacular fully double hybrid, pristine-white with nicely serrated tops.Currently not available $ 34.00WishlistMore info White 12/+ 50 Bulbs per Bag